MoI suitable for vehicle designs? Closed

 From:  blindfoldjump
” the control mesh and edge/vertex weighting will be lost. However, the object won't change shape”
Outstanding – thats all I needed to know. I will get that plug-in. Thanks for the tip Chris

Thanks for the links.
So far with FormZ Im very impressed by it. The UI doesn't feel as intuitive as MoI does though. However the time spent for the learning might be worth it, you have certainly made alot of great arguments for it and the software hasn't shown anything that would speak against what you say. Im still leaning back and forth here between Rhino and FormZ, still need some more experience in both software's to be able to take a mature decision.

You're quite right, there are alot of videos showing the different features, which is awesome. I would however love to see one where the modeler actually goes through a longer and perhaps more complex modeling task to really understand the capabilities. Do you know of any?

Thanks alot for taking the time and sharing your experiences and your workflow. Very informative for me. I checked out your stuff, and really like your designs, especially ”E futureOn”-concept, strong design.

Regarding Blender: I have to say that I really like Blender. And even more I like how they decided to create and open source free software. I think this will boost alot of users to develop the software together as a community which will most certainly lead to something amazing in the future (if not already). If I would have known about Blender earlier I probably would have chosen it as my sub-d modeler, however I already bought my license for MODO and also Im very interested in following the development of Meshfusion as an exploratory design tool, so I think I will stick to MODO. Thanks alot anyway for showing me the videos on it.