MoI suitable for vehicle designs? Closed

 From:  RobertH
7275.34 In reply to 7275.32 
Hi Andrei,

In formZ you can subdivide objects and have a bunch of Sub-Division tools to manipulate these objects, grow faces or edges, stretch, bridge, squeeze, divide, etc. In addition you can also use the regular editing tools like move, scale, copy, etc on these sub divided objects. When you're finished with this object, you can leave it as is. Or convert it to NURBS or quad-mesh objects. You can of course also make a copy of the sub divided object and hide it, or stick it on another layer and hide that layer, if you want to edit it later.

If converted to NURBS, you can boolean it with other objects (Union, Difference, etc.). You can extract or remove faces and then attach, merge, blend, extend, etc. with other NURBS surface objects.

So in a sense you're right in that you will not be able to edit the object like you could when it was a sub divided object. But in another very important sense it opens up, within a single program, many more options for creating very complex objects and surfaces. You can also make components of these converted objects to be reused in other projects. And it's all very fast and flexible.

So within formZ you can work with regular object (made from extracting lines, surfaces and primitives, etc.), Sub-Division surface objects and tools that work on a per-object bases and NURBS objects and tools like MOI but extended. And they can all be combined.

The NURBS tools in formZ are very powerful and can do a lot of things. Check out the first four videos in my post above.

Of course it's not cheap, costing 3X the price of MOI, but a lot more reasonable than many other apps.