Flyout menus (very often) opens at center of screen (under wine 1.4.1).

 From:  ttype (STRUBE)
7273.3 In reply to 7273.2 
No, it happens for the ones on the left side as well. (I'm running standard Ubuntu 14.04 lts with standard PlayOnLinux and standard wine 1.4.1 btw)

And it happens for this shortcut, too:

code:var cb = moi.ui.getUIPanel('moi://ui/CommandBar.htm'); moi.ui.showMenu( 'ObjectSnapMenu.htm', cb.document.body.lastChild.lastChild, 2, 0 );

More or less every second time the menu is opened at the center of the screen.

But it is the only bug I have seen so far. So, all in all it works perfect.