Where is this CSS selector?

 From:  Michael Gibson
7243.2 In reply to 7243.1 
Hi Chipp,

> 1. This drop panel accessed when clicking the SceneBrowserSectionHeader (little purple arrow).
> I can't find the background or any of it's border settings.

That's a flyout menu, its content is SceneBrowserStylesMenu.htm - the background comes from class="MenuBodyDark", which in it has a propery of flyoutBorderImage:url(FlyoutBorder2.png); - that's an image that controls the border and background color of the menu based on sections of the PNG bitmap image. Those flyout menus are one of the few remaining things in MoI that have their appearance controlled by a bitmap image rather than CSS properties. I'll hopefully be able to address that in v4.

> 2. This thin line which goes around the Options menu items.

For UI that is only used in one place for something specific, the CSS for it will often be just in that file. Usually only things that are being used in multiple places go into the main moi.css file. That particular one is an embedded style sheet inside the <head> section of options.htm, it's this one here:

			moi\:TabButton.active {

- Michael