Cycles for MoI

 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
7208.73 In reply to 7208.72 
What a terrific software and community!!!

However, regarding message 7208.72 in reply to 7208.71, it is not clear what is opening...
Message 7208.71 was intended as inquiry about the Cycles script by Max Smirnov.

// Cycles v.0.98 - Max Smirnov. 2015
function Cycles()
var param = moi.command.getCommandLineParams(), exp=(param =='noexport')?false:true;

// Add this Block?
var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D');
if (vp.projection != 'Perspective')
vp.projection = 'Perspective';
moi.ui.alert('Projection set to "Perspective".');
// END Add this Block?

if ( param =='reset') { moi.ui.commandUI.resetPaths(); }