Cycles for MoI

 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
First public release of Cycles for MoI script

- extract script archive into the MoI/commands directory
- download Cycles standalone ( and extract it into MoI/cycles directory
- create MoI/snapshots directory

Script usage:
_Cycles -> export selected objects as cycles xml files, start Cycles
_Cycles noexport -> If you exported scene objects once, you don't need to export it every time when you run Cycles. This mode useful while changing camera position or material settings.

Default material - Diffuse, Rougness 80%
You can change the material by editing the style name

[D:20] = Diffuse, Rougness 20%
[G:20] = Glossy, Rougness 20%
[S:10] = Glass, Rougness 10%
[E:1000]= Emission, Strength 1000

Cycles hotkeys:
P - pause
Q - save image and quit
I - interactive mode

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV