Modeling exercice...

 From:  Michael Gibson
7196.20 In reply to 7196.18 
Hi Finema, it looks like the Fusion 360 conversion worked well!

> 2• Unfortunately,I prefer to realize this form directly in MoI.

What is it that you're looking to gain by modeling this in MoI?

MoI is probably not the right tool for this particular kind of a job - MoI is more focused on constructing objects from 2D profile curves. That works great for a lot of mechanical objects, but organic shapes with lumpy bumpy areas are not a good fit for that type of workflow.

Things with lumps and bumps tend to be better accomplished using the organic modeling toolsets which polygon modeling programs are heavily focused on. They focus more on a sculpting type approach pushing and pulling parts of the model around, it's pretty different from the profile curve method that MoI is based on.

The overall modeling mechanisms used in polygon modeling just tends to work better for jobs like this.

Different kinds of models tend to be suited for different kinds of modeling mechanisms - the type of mechanism that MoI is based on works really well for certain kinds of objects, and not so well for other kinds of objects. It's best to use MoI for the projects that it is suited for, and to use different tools for projects that they are better suited for.

- Michael