Modeling exercice...

 From:  Michael Gibson
7196.2 In reply to 7196.1 
Hi Finema - complex organic shapes with localized bumps and ripples in them can tend to be difficult to construct in a CAD package. A sculpting type program like 3D Coat or ZBrush would most likely be better suited for a model that has those kinds of qualities in them like your target shape here has. In those programs you run brush strokes over parts of the model and each stroke can have a shaping effect like slightly raising or lowering that area. It's a good method for producing raised and lowered local area details.

So that's my best advice, you would probably be better off using a program that was more specifically targeted at making organic shapes rather than a CAD program which is focused more on broader surfaces defined by profile curves.

If you did want to try and construct it in MoI, it's going to be an advanced project maybe making use of a lot of profile curves arranged in a radial pattern and then using Construct > Loft with the "Loft style = loose" option. That method can be used as a way for doing some kinds of organic shapes (but again like I wrote above an actual organic targeted program will be better suited overall). There are some examples of that method here:

The other approach would be to try and make surfaces that kind of scoop out chunks of the object and do booleans. But it will be difficult to arrange so many scooped out portions right next to each other as this design has, it sounds like you've already tried this method.

- Michael