Modelled with MOI

 From:  MRG (MARKRG)
I've seen quite a few cars, planes and things modelled in MOI but not many synthesisers - so here's a couple...

Designed in Corel Draw, modelled with MOI and rendered in MODO

I've also attached a screen dump showing the dark user interface I have for MOI :-)

Image Attachments:
Size: 1.9 MB, Downloaded: 167 times, Dimensions: 1536x960px
Size: 716.8 KB, Downloaded: 201 times, Dimensions: 2120x1293px
Size: 1.3 MB, Downloaded: 133 times, Dimensions: 1536x960px
Size: 1.6 MB, Downloaded: 133 times, Dimensions: 1536x960px