dot lasso selection

 From:  Michael Gibson
7135.3 In reply to 7135.1 
Hi matur61 - MoI does not currently have a freeform lasso selection mode, but it does have a rectangular window selection mode which will be easier to use than just individual clicking. You can do several rectangular windows to build up your selection.

In a situation like you show there it will be easiest to hold down shift+ctrl and then do the window selection, when you hold down ctrl+shift when you do a selection it forces an immediate window selection mode without the initial click doing its own selection as normally happens. That makes it easier to do a small window in an area where there is stuff on the screen. Using shift+ctrl makes it so you don't need to initially click on an empty area.

Then make sure to do the window starting from the left and dragging towards the right, that only targets things completely contained inside of the window, if you do it from right towards left that will show a dotted outline instead of a solid outline and that type of window targets anything that crosses into it.

So hold down ctrl+shift and do a few rectangular window selections to build up a selection set like you want.

In the future I do want to add in some other selection modes like lassoing - currently surface control point editing is just not really a focus area for MoI really. If you find yourself doing a lot of surface control point editing it may be an indication that you are trying to use a polygon modeling workflow in Moi rather than a NURBS modeling workflow where you construct things based off of profile curves rather than direct surface sculpting...

- Michael