A "simple" request

 From:  Michael Gibson
7131.5 In reply to 7131.1 
Hi Luke, welcome to MoI and to the forum!

> Is it possible to do something like ExactFlat for MOI3D ?

I'm sorry but it's not likely to be possible anytime soon - there is a tremendous amount of work involved in making something like that. It's just not physically possible with only 24 hours in a single day for me as one developer to produce those kinds of complex tools.

For example in the ExactFlat description it says they have been working on the solving mechanisms for over 10 years... So it's a huge amount of work involved!

Since I'm only one developer working on MoI it just is not really feasible for me to try and implement something like that which will involve multiple years of work and is oriented towards one specific industry, MoI is a kind of general purpose tool and not one that is so focused on one individual industry like that. So I'm sorry but it's just not something that I expect is feasible to happen.

But you should test using the combination of MoI + Lamina Design to see if that might work for you, Lamina Design (http://laminadesign.com/) is very inexpensive and may possibly be able to get the job done for you, although I think it is not as optimized for fabrics as ExactFlat is and so I'm not sure if it's exactly suitable for what you need to do. I think it's somewhat more intended for more rigid materials like steel or plywood. But it does do stuff for making flat patterns so it's possible it might work for you. It's also not expensive.

- Michael