Install(?) script

 From:  Michael Gibson
7122.2 In reply to 7122.1 
Hi YASH - well there are a couple of different kinds of script so you do slightly different things depending on the particular type.

One type is just one line of code that you are meant to copy and paste into a shortcut key definition, and the entire script just goes right into the shortcut key. Those ones you use by going to Options > Shortcut keys and pasting in the script into the "command" column for a newly added shortcut key.

Those types of scripts are usually for things that run immediately like changing selection in various ways and things like that.

The other kind of script is a "plug-in command" which usually involves some UI for different options in the command and may have various stages in it like a stage to pick points or select objects or things like that, not just a single action that just runs immediately on one keystroke like the other kind.

The plug-in type scripts will come as a package of usually 2 files, a .js file and a .htm file that are zipped up. This type needs to be unzipped and the individual files copied into MoI's commands folder which will then make a new command available. You then set up a new shortcut key and put in the command name (which will be the name of the .js file but you leave off the .js extension when you put in the name in the shortcut key) to trigger it.

The location of the commands folder is different depending on whether you are using the Windows version or the Mac version.

On the Windows version go inside the main installation folder and look for the \commands sub-folder, like: C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\commands - that's where you want to copy the unzipped plug-in files.

On the Mac version you need to right-click the app and on the menu that pops up choose "Show package contents". That will open up a finder window and inside there go to drive_c/moi/commands - that's the spot to copy the plug-in files.

In the future I want to simplify how to install plug-ins but for now it involves copying the files into that location.

Hope this helps!

- Michael