Exporting AI and PDF files

 From:  Michael Gibson
7120.2 In reply to 7120.1 
Hi Ron, sorry no currently there's no way to do what you are asking. Right now the AI or PDF export is set up to remember which view was specified, and re-use that as the default on the next export.

It should not be doing things like randomly switching to a Front view export though, the only time that it should change is if you specifically picked a different view to export. If you do that you just have to remember to switch it back again if you need a different view on the next export time.

Maybe someday in the future I'll be able to have a preview of the 2D export as it is being generated... That would likely help you catch any mistaken view problem earlier. But there will be a lot of work involved in doing a good job of that and so it probably won't happen anytime soon though.

- Michael