HideToHidden –> HideToTrash?

 From:  Jay (JAYGEE)
Script: HideToHidden – hide selected objects, and assign to style = Hidden

script: /* Hide selected objects, and assign to style = Hidden */ var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; var styles = gd.getObjectStyles(); var si = -1; for ( var i = 0; i < styles.length; ++i ) { if ( styles.item(i).name.search( /hidden/i ) != -1 ) si = i; } if ( si == -1 ) { var style = gd.addStyle(); style.name = 'Hidden'; si = style.index; } var objects = gd.getSelectedObjects(); objects.setProperty( 'styleIndex', si ); objects.setProperty( 'hidden', true );

Is there a way to change this script that way that the selected item are moved to a Style named "Trash" and to use this command separately to the "HideToHidden"- Command?
I didn't get it. Just to change the name "Hidden" doesn't give the desired result. I'm confused...