Sript tab

 From:  Michael Gibson
7072.7 In reply to 7072.6 
Hi Andrei,

> How to make bodies save their state (coollapsed or not)?

There is nothing currently built into the palette controls to make them remember their states in between program sessions. It might be possible to add it in yourself with some script code that called moi.command.setOption( 'myoptionname', value, true); and var value = moi.command.getOption( 'myoptionname', true ); to set and get the saved state, the 2nd parameter of true means to load the option from the moi.ini file.

There are some script functions inside of SidePaneTabs.js that deal with expanding and collapsing palette tabs, you would need to study that file and use the same techniques in your own script code.

> Also how to allign this body to bottom?

Put the elements that you want to be at the bottom to be inside the last
element in the sidepane, the one that currently contains a <moi:ShowHideStateButton> for opening and closing the scene browser. That section of UI is already set to align to the bottom of the side pane, and any stuff contained within it will be located next to that bottom "Browser" button.

- Michael