A letter to Michael

 From:  MRG (MARKRG)

I've often read posts here that suggest MoI isn't suited to organic shapes. I disagree and have found it much easier to create models with complex surfacing in MoI (see attachment - a work in progress). In fact, when you look at the tools used to create car bodies - Alias AutoStudio for example - MoI has much more in common in terms of the tools available.

I started out using Carrara when it was at version 1 and moved from there to LightWave finishing up with Modo and, recently, Rhino. I started using MoI because it was one of the few applications that could bridge files between Autodesk Inventor and Modo but I soon found that MoI was so good and fast to use, it has ended up being my main modelling tool and I now use Modo only for rendering and animation.

For me, the principle limitation of MoI is that it is still a 32 bit application whereas everything else I use is 64 bit. I often have to export models to Modo in sections to avoid the 'out of memory' warning but this isn't a great problem.

If you are having trouble doing organic shapes in MoI I'd urge you to persevere because it's surprising just how good it can be.

