Couple quick questions..

 From:  Michael Gibson
7055.8 In reply to 7055.6 
Hi Chipp,

> I guess with the source code you can create a manual refresh mode where you don't need
> to quit MoI each time an edit is made to the CSS. Is there any way for us to check the
> CSS changes w/out relaunching?

There is a mode you can set in moi.ini to prevent file caching and make MoI reload files from disk each them they are called. See here for that:

But that mainly helps when you are developing a command where the command's UI gets reloaded and cleared out every time the command is run.

But the main UI is not really like that since it stays loaded after MoI has started up.

You might try sticking a button in the UI panel itself (like in CommandBar.htm or SidePane.htm) that has onclick="window.location.reload();" in it, I'm not entirely sure if that will work but it might.

There are also a few additions in MoI to try and make it a bit easier to build reusable controls in HTML, there's a templating system that expands a control to have additional HTML content inside of it, like for instance when the UI loader sees a <moi:CommandButton> element in the HTML, it checks for a template named CommandButton.htm and if found it fills the interior of the element with the content from that template file. That makes it easier for controls to have some interior structure of HTML to them but only need to be declared as a single element at the main document level.

- Michael