Elastica script

 From:  bemfarmer
The elastica script generates seven of the nine classes of elastica curves, creating a range of 2d curves.
The other two classes are the circle and the line.
(A half near circle, and a near line are generated for extremely high or low shape values.)

The curves are "half" curves. The second "half" of the curve can easily be mirrored.
For shape values greater that -1, an additional bottom portion can be done by rotation, or by mirror and move.
For shape values less than or equal to -1, another curve can be added on by mirror.

The curves are related to pendulum motion. For Shape = 0, the "Mylar Balloon" curve results, rotated 90 degrees.
The aspect ratio is correct, 0.599+...

The paper gives Shape values for the seven cases of 0.5, 0, -0.4, -0.65223, -0.9, -1, and -1.2.

A general link to the source paper is:

The curves may be further processed by MoI. Rebuild is suggested after a longer curve is formed.
Sweep can be done. Have not tried flow or twist yet.

- Brian

If it stops raining, or the new telephone wires are installed, internet access may work well again.

I may try the techniques of Gear, with a mirror.