how did you find moi?

 From:  WillBellJr

I'm not sure, I remember being on the Rhino beta development list - I used to totally believe "McNeel" was straight out Michael's company, in my mind, Rhino == Michael!

I purchased Rhino v1 and fell off at v2.

It was when I learned he had moved on to Microsoft, much to my horror, that I realized that Rhino wasn't his product!

I may have learned about MoI on the Silo forums as well, but I remember being so happy to see Michael was developing another "Rhino like" product, with a killer mesher to boot - SOLD!

The thing that had sold me the most about MoI at the time was because I was using Cinema 4D XL and when importing MoI's exports into C4D they looked >just as clean and crisp< as they did in MoI!
