Scripting BLEND

 From:  Michael Gibson
6955.7 In reply to 6955.6 
Hi Brian,

> It seems that each of the two curves would need to have an
> orientationlist , to control which end is blended ?

There's one orientation list, and the orientation list has 2 items in its array, each item in the array is an IMoiCurveOrientation object which has 2 properties on it: .flipped and .seam.

> Would the order inside get.Input(1).getValue() be orient1, seam1, orient2, seam2 ?

factor.getInput(1).getValue() will return the list. Then there are 2 items in the list, and each of those items has a .flipped and .seam property on it. Hope that makes sense.

> The following code does not change the blending order. G3 Blending still occurs
> between the closest ends of the 2 curves.

Can you post the full .js and .htm files so I can give the whole thing a try over here and see if I can tweak it?

- Michael