Log Spiral

 From:  bemfarmer
LogSpiral script, by Brian McMillin 9/30/2014
Revision of Logarithmic2D script of 9/24/2011.
The Logarithmic Spiral is also known as the EquiAngular spiral, Bernoulli's Spiral, and Spira Mirabilis.
The spiral is the Golden Spiral when the exponent is the golden ratio φ / 2PI, about 0.306349.
A golden spiral gets wider by a factor of φ for every quarter turn it makes. (Wikipedia)
Click on "Exponent" for a golden spiral.
(Modified from Moi scripts of Michael and Gear script of Max Smirnov)
Extrude is nice. It seems to be 10% of its value.

Negative values of Whorl, Scale (180 degree rotation), and Exponent are permitted. (Seems to not be a problem.)
Reset of screen may be needed to see large spirals off screen.
Large values for Whorl may need higher Point count.
A zero value for Exponent makes a circlular form.

Added the Moi3/commands folder to my windows library to allow quick copy of scripts to the folder. (Finally)

Is there an "UnsignedNumericInput?"

What color scheme is "best" for Notepad++ ( or some other editor?)? The glaring white is not so good. Switched to style zenburn.

- Brian

EDITED: 30 Sep 2014 by BEMFARMER
