Shortcuts for turning on the filter-mode on curves, edges or faces?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6942.2 In reply to 6942.1 
Hi Max, you can put the following scripts on a shortcut key for turning on these particular filters:

script: /* Turn on selection filter for Types > Curves */ moi.selection.setFilter( 'Types', 'Curves', true );

script: /* Turn on selection filter for Types > Edges */ moi.selection.setFilter( 'Types', 'Edges', true );

script: /* Turn on selection filter for Types > Faces */ moi.selection.setFilter( 'Types', 'Faces', true );

That will only turn it on, not toggle it, but you can push the Esc key to turn off filters.

If you want other ones, the script access is through moi.selection.setFilter( category, item, enable ), where:

// Category is one of: "Types", "Styles", or "Names".
// For Types, item is one of: "Curves", "Surfaces", "Solids", "Edges", "Faces", or "Points".
// For Styles, item is an integer number of the style index.
// For Names, item is the string name.

- Michael