V4 Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
6925.529 In reply to 6925.528 

I was aware that blend curve endpoints could be readjusted by clicking the input curves.

I encountered this issue with the default blend curve endpoint discernment in nodeEditor where of course the readjusting of output curve after-the-fact is not something readily available. Perhaps this facility could be included within the node as a menu item in the info-panel, however it got me contemplating if input curve direction might not be a better default for determining the endpoints of the new curve, rather than proximity, generally.

I then found myself experimenting with blending curves manually, & thought perhaps a checkbox that appeared only in the instance of a marquee selection may be the best of both worlds.

Anyway that was just a thought.

But getting back to nodeEditor, would there be a scripting method of over-riding the default so that curve directing determined the endpoints of the output curve?
