V4 Wish List

 From:  agonyii
6925.434 In reply to 6925.433 
> I guess I should make it so you can customize the appdata folder location though. Then you could set that so everything is under one single folder.

That sounds awesome! I think that would be the best solution so far. Thanks for filtering that out!

Please allow me to add one more comment on the subject:

Alongside OBJ library, I also have customized UI. I prefer dark theme, it's easy on my eyes so while having something neutral I can fully concentrate just on design. I just hate the idea, I had to overwrite quite a lot of original MOI app files to have it this way. Would be possible, if we set a custom folder for all our preferences, scripts and adddons that this folder is also monitored from Moi for it's own app's modified files, icons? If Moi sees any of its own files there then these files would get loaded first - instead of ones from the apps folder. In that case way we would be able to keep the original files intact and still able to keep all the addons we use.
Right now with every new Moi update we have to reinstall everything and I all design colleges I know are utilizing Moi in a such way.

Thank you in any case!

EDITED: 28 May 2018 by AGONYII