V4 Wish List

 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.428 In reply to 6925.427 
Hi James, here's another script you can try. This one expects the browser pane to be in either "adjacent" or "opposite" mode (not "inside" mode) and it will go in 3 steps, showing side pane only, then browser pane only, then hiding both:

script: /* Toggle Side pane and Browser pane visibility 3 steps*/ var sp = moi.ui.sidepane.document.body.style; var bp = moi.ui.getUIPanel( 'moi://ui/BrowserPane.htm' ).document.body.style; var spon = (sp.display != 'none'); var bpon = (bp.display != 'none'); if ( spon && !bpon ) { sp.display = 'none'; bp.display = ''; } else if ( !spon && bpon ) { sp.display = 'none'; bp.display = 'none'; } else { sp.display = ''; bp.display = 'none'; }

- Michael