V4 Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
6925.425 In reply to 6925.424 
Hi Michael,

I work solely on a laptop and I would imagine that, in this, I am part of a vast and fast growing constituency. Moi3d's pared back UI is more suited than most CAD softs when working with such limited scene real estate; however it would be IMHO great if it was possible to collapse the side bar menu in and out of the scene edge.

The cross & 3 line symbols have become web standards for this and so would be immediately legible to new users.

Also it would be useful to be able to switch between tools menu and scene browser.

I am excited by prospect of the upcoming V4. If you can see some benefit in these suggestions, I wonder if they may be included....at least as an option.

Thanks for all your great work
