V4 Wish List

From: http://kyticka.webzdarma.cz/3d/moi/

You can put the following scripts as a keyboard shortcuts. To define them, open Option dialog window, go to Shortcut keys section, push the "Add" button there which will insert a new blank shortcut key; click in the "Key" column and add the key you want to use to activate it, like "H" for example; then click in the "Command" column and paste in the script line _or_ open the moi.ini file (C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini) and edit directly the [Shortcut Keys] section. Just assign some key (e.g. K, Space) or key combinations (e.g. Ctrl+U, Alt+E) or function key (e.g. F5). The code for shortcut should be one long single line. Simple shortcuts can be found in moi_hotkey.txt file.

Note: for keyboard shortcus (*Spelling error*) that have script code in them, you can put a comment in the code with a note in it. You put in a text surrounded by /* */ , just after the script: part – see MoI forum for example.

See illustration: I added the shortcut key, then to recreate the selection process:

1. Select FILLET
2. Select 2 curves on the object
3. Shortcut key: Ctrl+L

Looks easy! Nothing happens! Shouldn't it select all the curves to fillet?
