V4 Wish List

What do \you\ think Moi3d has over SpaceClaim?

I'm curious what are your preferences for Moi3d/ thank you -


IMO - Seems like a troubled company, overpriced software (3000 USD) and low level surfacing tools in SpaceClaim are the main issues I googled, however, the 10 compelling reasons to buy SpaceClaim - I believe - would be where Michael focus's on strengthening those 10 (reasons) seen in the youTube clip for SpaceClaim - Moi3d v4 - those 10 features look arguably terribly useful - and would make Moi3d an incomparable bargain in the marketplace, yes or no?

I'd love to see those 10 tools in Moi3d! Oh! Yeah!

Nevertheless, I like the way \my\ MODDED OUT VERSION of MOI is LOADED with every node, hotkey, script, command, lighting option, custom icon & png made by the inmates of this asylum, making my copy the most attractive, easy on the eyes software ever!

IMO now I have the best tool to experiment - better than a #2 pencil and paper! ha-ha!
Marmaduke Lambert
