V4 Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
6925.136 In reply to 6925.135 
Hi Michael,

To clarify what I meant I attached a 3 images. The first image shows an attempt to create a woven pattern flowed over a compound surface. The flowing of planar surface or curves with node editor works brilliantly; however flowing solids produces undesirable distortions (as shown).

The second image is taken from a "Paracloud Gem" manual. Their solution is an elegant one: define a bounding zone of deformation by front and back faces. I am proposing something similar.

>>For Flow I'm not sure how Flow could incorporate those without negative consequences for the existing workflow, since picking 2 surfaces would likely need additional selection steps.<<

Selecting the item to flow may be just as it is now.. Only the origin base surface or curve need be selected because the upper could be extrapolated as instantiation of base at the height of the item to be flowed.

There would however be additional step to select second target surface, but this would only be necessary if a checkbox is first clicked prior to selection of first target surface. See third image.

Please let me know if this is at all unclear.
