V4 Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)

No doubt you have been monitoring the development of Project Elephant. I am especially excited by recent embryonic development of paneling functionality made possible by "polyLoft" & "mFlowObj" nodes.

This advancement could be fully unleashed with an extension to the "Flow" option : "Flow Between"

Instead of flowing over a compound nurbs surface, the item would be flowed between an inner and outer planar target surfaces. This functionality incorporated into a version of "mFlowObj" node would bring true paneling tools to MOI3D. (although probably not perceivable in below image: FlowPaneling.jpg, the flowed units all distort in one direction) The outer surface may simply be an offset of the inner surface, however it may also deviate dramatically from it (smooth inside/undulating outside)

I recall you stating in an earlier post that paneling functionality involve complicated mathematics:
however one part of the problem has already been solved by node editor (the populating of planar facets of a mesh surface).

I love this software, and would like to see its popularity grow and I do think that this one area for attracting a whole new customer base.

Let me know if any of this is unclear.


EDITED: 27 Nov 2016 by JFH