scripts and functions

 From:  Michael Gibson
6915.4 In reply to 6915.1 
Hi Arian,

> And another important thing…I saw the “history” command…does it works for everything?

It's mainly for tweaking the results of a surfacing command such as loft, sweep, or revolve by editing the input curves after you've just finished constructing the surface.

It does work with various commands but in order for it to work all the original input objects that went into constructing the result need to be present in the current model. If you do something like a boolean operation, the object in its pre-booleaned state is no longer in the current model geometry and so things like that will break the history chain currently.

> I tried to give a watch to it but I’m not understanding very well…. You know..usually at
> work I use solidworks and it has the “functions tree” were all operations/command are
> recorded for each object…there is something similar on Moi?

No, there isn't anything like that currently in MoI. It is something that I want to add in the future but currently if you need that type of functionality you would need to use one of those parametric solid modelers like Solidworks, Solid Edge, Pro/E, etc...

MoI is currently more focused on the initial drawing and construction of objects and not so much yet on editing things afterwards.

- Michael