Lofting Hull and Fuselage

 From:  Michael Gibson
6887.7 In reply to 6887.6 
Hi Elrick,

> Do you think I might be able to use a network in the shape of this complex form and trim it away from a full loft?

Possibly Network or Sweep for the long ridge-like type pieces.

> Or will I have a better chance to make solids and boolean subtract ?

You'd probably want to work with Edit > Trim - working with solids and doing booleans can be convenient when you are able to use them but with something like a complex hull surface it may not be so easy to get it into a solid right off the bat. When that's the case you can use the Edit > Trim command instead of booleans.

Trim is sort of a "low level" way to do surface cutting - it allows you to cut a surface but then you manually pick which pieces of the cut up surface to discard.

Booleans are sort of a wrapper around Trim that automatically picks which pieces to discard based on which solid volume they are contained inside of. But if you're working with complex surfaces that are not so easy to maintain as solids then you'll probably be working more at the Trim level instead.

- Michael