Lofting Hull and Fuselage

 From:  Michael Gibson
6887.43 In reply to 6887.42 
Hi Elrick, there are a few different ways you can do a "non-uniform" scale with different scale factors for X, Y, and Z.

The easiest is to click on the size line in the properties panel here:

That will bring down an "Edit size" panel where you'll be able to enter in new values for the bounding box size:

By default it will scale uniformly but if you uncheck the "Maintain proportions" checkbox that will then allow you to change x y z independent from each other for a nonuniform scale:

Another way is to go to the Top/Front/Right 2D views and use the edit frame to do a one directional scale, some info on that here:
That's when you grab the sizing handle and drag it vertically or horizontally, you will see a tracking line and when that's active you'll be doing a one directional scale. Repeat that in other directions.

The other way is to use the Transform > Scale > Scale1D command, which allows you to scale things in one direction. You can use this repeatedly on all of the X Y and Z directions to do a non uniform scale in all those directions.

Hope this is what you were looking for.

- Michael