Lofting Hull and Fuselage

 From:  Elrico (ELRICK)
6887.21 In reply to 6887.20 
I measured everything as the project progressed with self leveling cross lasers. We bought a scanner from nextengine to help us achieve something more accurate rather than this "ancient" method. But I quickly realized this scanner is not the hardware for the job. After numerous attempted fails the salesman came over to show me "how its done". And he got the same results. After working in NextEngines software, Scanstudio and RapidWorks, my curiosity started with mesh work. Thats when I started experimenting with Mesh Mixer. Really awesome software! The meshes I use in MM are Stls exported from the solids redrawn in GMD. The fuselage were done my the hands of our technical manager.

Top picture, original mesh exported from GMD. Didnt touch the export parameters. Bottom picture vertical beam and tape represents the planes (Z values). Made dots on the tape to find my X&Y values for the profiles. Used another laser square the vertcal beam. Simple method but open for many mistakes. (Tried to maintain .5mm accuracy)
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