Flow question

 From:  Michael Gibson
6871.5 In reply to 6871.4 
Hi Metin,

> Would it also make a difference if I'd use the ShrinkTrimmedSurface command on a
> target surface before performing the Flow command?

No, that wouldn't make any difference - basically Flow automatically does the equivalent of ShrinkTrimmedSrf on things already.

ShrinkTrimmedSrf shrinks the "underlying surface" down to the UV bounding box around the trim curves, it still maintains the surface as a net-like grid of control points and won't do something like cut a notch out of the underlying surface in just one local area of it.

So instead you need to use something like loft for constructing the surface so the full surface itself has the boundary contours you want, a trim or boolean used to cut out a notched area will not have any effect for flow because trim and booleans don't modify the "underlying surface", they only create new trim boundaries on top of it...

- Michael