Project Parameterization, rocker demo

 From:  Michael Gibson
6860.3 In reply to 6860.1 
Hi Brian, project's not working because input 1, the target objects - that needs to be an object list not just a single object.

So this line #122 here:

    projectfactory.setInput( 1, curve );

Replace it with something like this:

    var targetlist = moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList();
    targetlist.addObject( curve );
    projectfactory.setInput( 1, targetlist );

That then looks like it will get the project part working.

Then there's another assert which looks like it's about a call to moi.geometryDatabase.addObjects() with an object that's actually in the database already, so maybe some extra call to that somewhere in there.

Hope this helps!

- Michael