MoI export file for KeyShot Closed

 From:  chippwalters
6812.40 In reply to 6812.39 
Hi Martin,

OK, I understand. I thought you were just being hyper critical.

For me, I like rendering NURBs in Keyshot except for when I need to use the edge bevel render tool, which doesn't work on NURBs-- only polys.

I suspect a lot depends on what you want to do with the final render. If it's for print publication, then higher resolutions subdivides are necessary when exporting to polys. If it's for a website, then I think Max's renders are super. Only the most studied of professionals can find any sort of fault with them. Frankly, I can't really see the edge artifacting on many of the red circles of yours-- and if I can't see it, I doubt others can-- or care.

More important to me are the workflow issues-- like how to go back and forth between MoI and Keyshot with as little disruption as possible. One nice thing with NURBs is you can assign materials to just about all the different objects, including ones which have the same 'style' in MoI.