MoI export file for KeyShot Closed

 From:  Michael Gibson
6812.11 In reply to 6812.6 
Hi Gregor,

> Tried that one as well but I get an error message when trying to import MoI .3dm files. Translated, it means
> 'There is no 3D geometry. In Rhino, select view/shaded before saving the file.'
> No idea how to solve that one in MoI

There isn't any way to solve that in MoI, when you run into this it means you should use OBJ format instead..

Basically Rhino can in some situations save the display mesh used to show shaded surfaces in the 3DM file - it does this because it's rather slow to generate the mesh and so once it makes one it tries to cache it to use later on.

Some programs do not really read the real NURBS objects out of a 3DM file and instead only look for this cached display mesh data only.

MoI does not write that display mesh data because it has a very fast display mesher and writing the display data into the file tends to bloat up file size by quite a bit.

It's not really a good idea for programs to only read this cached Rhino display data as the main way for data transfer, because there are many situations where Rhino itself does not write it either, like when you do a "Save small". But some programs try to do that as a shortcut to avoid having to process the real solids in the file.

- Michael