Sweep Maintain Height Problem June 14 Beta

 From:  Michael Gibson
6792.14 In reply to 6792.13 
Hi Kevin, no problem, let me know if you run into another kind of problem case in the future.

You wrote:
> I think when I drew this I must have used the side view to snap to that last point.

Yeah that can cause this kind of result because "on" snap (same as any object snaps) in the 2D views like the side view will get projected to the current drawing plane. That's so that when you're drawing things in a 2D view that you'll also get a planar result.

You can change that behavior with a setting under Options > Snaps > Object snap options > "Project to plane in ortho views" checkbox. When you unset that then object snaps will go directly to the 3D point snap location with no projection. But that also means that things that you draw in 2D viewports can be easily non planar curves squiggling around in 3D.

By default that projection is enabled so that in 2D viewports there's an emphasis on generating 2D results but picking points in the 3D viewport lets you do freely squiggling stuff.

- Michael