Revolve Problem

 From:  Michael Gibson
6787.8 In reply to 6787.7 
Hi jetblast - yes the problem that you saw with Revolve is because your starting profile there is not planar - Revolve will only be able to automatically seal off the ends of the revolved result when the ends are planar.

You could still use the revolve, you would just need to construct the end caps separately yourself rather than having Revolve do it automatically. There are a couple of different ways you could build the caps, either by extruding some edges or by making 4 boundary curves and doing Construct > Network. Then once you have built the caps yourself you would then select the pieces and use Edit > Join to glue them together into a solid.

But actually the extrude way that you are using instead is really a better way anyway.

Another approach could be to build the bigger full disc shape and use boolean difference with 2 profile curves to slice that big solid up into chunks:

- Michael