Nurbs render?

 From:  Michael Gibson
667.6 In reply to 667.4 
Hi Pilou!

> does exist in the futur a function "print" for have the exact outlines drawing of
> the volumes & intersections on paper?
> Like a vectorial prog

Yes, definitely in the future. It will take a lot of work to make this fully functional though.

Eventually I would like to have a different "Print" viewport, as another tab next to Split / 3D / Top / Front / Right on the bottom bar, which would let you work in a printed page layout and place 3d views, etc...

That will be some more traditional "CAD" type functionality that I do want to add.

There will be one sort of first step for this with AI export which should be coming in the next beta after today (AI _import_ is ready for today though). But that will probably be pretty basic, we'll see...

- Michael