Distort Curve script

 From:  Michael Gibson
6659.56 In reply to 6659.55 
Hi Mike, yeah the normal way to use them is to set up a keyboard shortcut and then push that key to trigger it.

Go to Options > Shortcut keys, and push "Add" to put in a new entry, in the Command part of the shortcut key put in: DistortCurves (or _DistortCurves if the files start with an underscore).

If you're trying to use them from the CustomUI, how is it that you're setting them up there exactly? I guess they are probably being run as an "instant script" instead of being run as a "command". When a command is launched, there are various other things that happen like the command system loads the .htm file that contains the command's UI part (and sometimes some of the code too), but when script code is launched as an "instant script" those things don't happen and so that's probably what you're running into at least that's my best guess currently.

Anyway, please try setting up a keyboard shortcut and see if that works ok for you or not.

- Michael