A question/request about the great moi3d

 From:  Michael Gibson
665.6 In reply to 665.3 
Hi Giulio, I've added something to the next beta that makes it possible to script this from a keyboard shortcut.

You'll need to add this shortcut (this only works in the next beta coming out later today):

script:var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBReps(); var hide = true; for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) { var edges = breps.item(i).getEdges(); if ( i == 0 ) hide = !edges.item(0).hidden; edges.setProperty( 'hidden', hide ); }

So for instance if you set up a shortcut for "S" with that script above (it all goes on one single line), you can then push S to turn on or off edge display. I think that should do what you want.

Also the next beta has a new Options dialog that lets you edit the keyboard shortcuts from within MoI instead of editing the moi.ini text file in notepad.

- Michael