Script-Problem - Access to point-components

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
6622.3 In reply to 6622.2 
Hello Michael,

thank you for the Information. I tried to use the pts-array instead of a new one, but the Loop "for ( var n = 0; n < (pts.length-2); ++n )" seems not to be processed. If I replace the expression pts.length with a fixed value I got an error-message in the line
"cp=csp(pts[n].x,pts[n].y,pts[n].z,pts[n+1].x,pts[n+1].y,pts[n+1].z,pts[n+2].x,pts[n+2].y,pts[n+2].z);" that the object "pts[n+1]" does not exist. It seems that the array is empty??? Any ideas!

Thank you very much!