Learning the basics.

 From:  David marmor (DMARMOR)
6617.40 In reply to 6617.39 
Thank you Michael for your patience.
I wrote an answer at work but I certainly made a mistake as I didn't post it.
In substance I was saying that I made the worst shape ever, I did it quickly to illustrate my point but I didn't take into account the final result, just thinking these two views would be enough.
The resulting shape is something close to what you have done and won't produce anything elegant, at least not something I had in mind.
But I will continue to test MOI as I have faith in it =)
I'm sure it can produce fast iteration, at least that's what I want to do. But I have a lot to learn and I have to admit that it is still pleasent to work with it, and it made me improve my subd skills.

I'll do more exercices to see which issue I encounter and how to resolves them.
Thanks for your support.