Learning the basics.

 From:  David marmor (DMARMOR)
6617.33 In reply to 6617.32 
Hi Michael,

Here is basically the shape I want to build, I made it quickly to illustrate the main problem I have. The bulge on the back and on the side are just here to say that it is not a primary shape and you can't take a sphere and deform it, maybe you can/should?

So my problem is about the cut in front. When I follow the side and trim on my main shape, the front will not follow.
I'm pretty sure that is because of my main shape, and that's the core of my issue, how do you build your main shape to be sure it will fit all your cut in any views. And do you have to tackle this problem like this.
An other thing would be to trace the outline of the shape and build my surface but with that many curve it will produce bulge and imprecise surface.

Sorry for all the newbish question, I still have a lot of homework to do :)
