Learning the basics.

 From:  Michael Gibson
6617.28 In reply to 6617.26 
Hi David,

> I have to reload my last file as I did several change.
> Here is how I cut my curves, maybe I am overdoing it.
> But with these curves I cannot have a proper shape from network.

Yeah it looks like you've cut them up into too many little pieces there. They need to form a grid layout, but the horizontal and vertical lines of the grid (sort of like lines of longitude and latitude on a globe) need to extend across the entire grid.

There's some more discussion on the type of arrangement that Network needs in some of these previous threads:

> Here is what I have at the end.

That kind of tip shaping tends to be a consequence of something that's not very uniform collapsing down to a single point.

To reduce it in Network it can be helpful to include a circle or arc curve near the tip so that things are more uniformly spaced just before they collapse down. See a couple of examples of that here:

It can be better in general to use more 2D construction though - revolve or rail revolve will tend to form the nicest perfectly round tips on closed objects, then in v3 there are new deformation tools that can be used to deform the smooth revolve onto a different path, see the attached example 3DM file, note here how every curve that went into making the end result was a planar curve that was flat to one of the top/front/right views, not any curves that are warped in 3D themselves. The final result has edge curves that warp in 3D but they're the result of construction from all 2D inputs...

- Michael