Filleting round shapes

 From:  Michael Gibson
6612.2 In reply to 6612.1 
Hi Heiner,

> Any Idea what is going on here?

It's pretty difficult to say without examining the geometry directly - is it possible for you to post a 3DM file with your objects in it instead of only a screenshot? That makes it possible to examine it in various different ways which are not really possible to do with a screenshot alone.

My best guess without being able to actually examine things would be that often times the curve structure in font files is not very good in geometric quality, probably some of the curved forms are made up of several different segments which are not totally smooth to one another rather than being one big long smooth curve piece. That type of structure where things come together at just a bit of a sharp angle instead of being either totally smooth or more distinctly sharp can make things difficult for filleting, because it causes the fillet engine to try and build corner junctures between those pieces but the junctures are kind of tiny slivery things that are hard to trim and deal with...

My best advice would be to try running the Rebuild command (set up a shortcut key with Rebuild as the command name for it) on the text curves before using them for further construction, that may help to get things configured with longer smooth curve sections instead of possibly fragmented separate segments.

- Michael