Dragonbite Stylus

 From:  dinos
Thanks everyone! It really means a lot to us :-)

The tip is not really soft. Early on in the project we decided we didn't really like soft tips. Our coating is a lot less flexible and thin than most styluses (around 0.5mm). Just enough to smooth out the print and protect the screen. The lack of flexibility is compensated by the pivoting tip. It should last for years.

We've tested it with all iOS and Android devices we could get our hands on (including the S4), and it works perfectly. The total resistance of the stylus is around 20Kohms, which is really low compared to the human body resistance which is in the range of Mohms.

Verve looks amazing but i haven't tested it yet as its only for windows. It should work on something like the Surface Pro or any other device with a capacitive touch screen.

Frenchy, i love Bilal! And most of the great french comics artists (Moebius, Edika even Reiser!). But its not me in the video. Thats Vangelis, the guy that I'm working with. I wish i could read french just for the comics. As it is, i have to settle for greek translations.
