Vikintador 2 sports car new update

 From:  nikola (ZENOX3D)
6593.4 In reply to 6593.3 
Hi Michael,

Thank you for your nice feedbacks.I promissed myself I will build my concept car with moi3d,and I think I'm on good path to do it.It is not that easy as with sub-d modeling,but more challenging and more precise.During my modeling I'm trying to find the best way for creating less visible patches.I find also I can change much quickly my design,then with sub-d modeling tools.Michael I have to ask you something,because I don't know how to solve it.It is about blend tool,when I try to create blend between the shapes I'm getting gaps on corners you see on my screenshot.Is it a bug or there is different way now to do it.Before it glued perfectly,I'm just curious how to work with it.Instead blend I'm connecting my surfaces with loft tool.I didn't uninstalled my november beta v3,maybe it happends cause of this.Thanks for your explanation and for your help Michael.Yes I'm warming up with this Vikintador 2 concept for modeling my awesome Exona concept car with moi3d.If I accomplish that mission,then I think I would be able to create more creative concept vehicles in the future with moi3d,and will grab more attention on your wonderful and powerful software.I will do my best.

Best Regards from Nikola